How Momma Parker Began And My Journey...Part 1

How Momma Parker Began And My Journey...Part 1

How Momma Parker Began And My Journey...Part 1

I can remember it so vividly was Chrissie's birthday, that's my mum and what my kids call her. Myself and youngest son were visiting her house to see her on her birthday when my eldest son turned up. We were all chatting and laughing and talking about my dream to become self employed so that my partner and I could move off grid and open a spiritual retreat. My eldest son said 'Well why not just do it!!!' I was thinking well yes why not but I was also thinking I really don't know where to even begin. My reply was 'Well I need a name' to which he replied 'Momma Parker' my kids have always called me momma :)Yeah what a fab idea....and so the journey began on that day back in May 2019. Within minutes he had copyright my new brand name and bought all the website domains :) ....

...I never knew it would be such a rollercoaster but I do believe that you get out what you put in so  my mindset was already in the place of this is going to take some hard work but it will be so worth it. 

I drove home with the idea still buzzing round and my mind working on overdrive, ideas of what to do, what to sell. how to start, what I needed to do to make it all happen.

So I had a name and a sort of idea but that was about it. I felt totally overwhelmed and out of my I took a deep breath got out my book and started to scribble down ideas. All of a sudden my head became clearer and the pages started filling with ideas.

So in June Danny came to see me and explain online business and how it works hahahahah that was so lights went off as soon as he talked about traffic, pushing products, rich content, blah blah blah internet banking, webmasters oh dear all I want to do is sell stuff and spread the love. I was once more out of my comfort zone but we decided a date...up and running by July! I nodded and agreed but inside I thought what on earth am I agreeing to!!! I was again outside of my comfort zone I am 50 I can just about manage facebook and that is it....and so the Danny homework began. 

So Danny created a Momma Parker facebook page because he knows more than me but we got locked out of FB...the weeks ticked by and I was getting more and more frustrated. I couldn't even get started I felt like my hands were tied. Eventually a month later I decided to it bite the bullet and create a business page under my can't be that hard...oh yes it can if you don't get it but please. please don't worry you will if you persist with your dream xxxx

So the business page is up and running and I think I am getting there...we have a banner photo and we have agreed what I am in the credentials, still haven't a clue what I am going to be doing although I am a Reiki master and believe in healing so this maybe a start. So now I need a logo. 

I knew the brand was going to be Momma Parker... I remember Levi Roots with his Reggie Reggie sauce on the dragon's den and I thought yes I like that concept. So a picture of me became my logo :) it is just me and I am blown away how much I love it..the colour the definition what it stands the first thing I have learnt is:


I can remember the first meeting me on a little laptop while he poured over three massive screens flicking with ease from one thing to another....I was in tears because I couldn't do the basics. At the first meeting we decided to open a shopify store ready for when we would launch Momma Parker... OMG more interfaces, stuff I don't understand...again totally out of my comfort zone....

Every week we have met for a business bagel before we began the pain of a young 25 year old techno whizz trying to introduce his cronky mum to the world of IT and how the internet really works and can help you grow a business. 

But please, please, please if you are reading this and thinking I want to work for myself don't ever give up , don't ever be daunted no matter what is thrown at you keep going...keep following your dream... you can do this and I am right behind you every step of the way. Loads of love Momma P xxxxxx

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